
Saturday, 8 September 2012

The 8-year-old me :)

Hey kids!

Recently, I have been watching alot of old Disney movies that I used to watch when I was around 7 or 8 years old. Obviously, being that age, I would naturally love the Disney Princesses. Sadly, it was the era of cable telly (and it still is) and I didn't have access to Disney :'( And my dad only get cable during the football season, even then, he'll only subscribe to the sports channels -.-

I am digressing...the point is, I never really watched any of the Disney Princesses movies; only read the Walt Disney books (btw, I think Walt Disney is a freaking GENIUS). And what my friends, who have cable and watch Disney all the time, told me about them.

So, since it was the September Holidays, I decided to watch these movies that I have missed out on. After I watched a Marvel movie, I'll watch one of the Disney Princesses films :)

I have only watched a few so far; Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and The Beast (I am waiting for the movie to load now, actually). Watching these films made me realise how long ago these films were made. Seriously, if they were so popular back in 2004-2005, then they must have been made a long time ago. And they seriously were!

The animated movie of Cinderella was made back in 1950! That long ago! Wow, no wonder Mickey Mouse has been around for such a long time (it dates before WWII). After watching every movie, I would google it to see when it was made, and all of them were made quite long ago. Sleeping Beauty was in 1959, The Little Mermaid was in 1989 and Beauty and The Beast was in 1991.

I don't know when the other movies were made, but they must have been quite a while back too. Though I think Aladdin, Mulan and Pocahontas would have been made a little later than the others because America was a very race-based country in the 1950s-1960s. Why you think the first few princesses are white?

Anyways, I had an awesome time watching the movies and reliving my past again :D And watching these really old films really shows you the differences between the animation of then and now. And how the plot-line changed over the years. Though the first few films I watched talked about falling in love at first sight and getting married right away. LOL, the princess was quite YOLO back then ^.^ No one really believes in that anymore. And I actually find it kind of sad that people have become so cynical already...And don't get me started on how annoying 12-year-olds have become!

If you were to look at it from a feminist point of view, these films are misogynistic in their portrayal of females. They give an impression that females only think about their Prince Charming and are the most beautiful, and that is awfully sexist because beauty comes from the inside and that it gives a wrong impression of life and reality...blah blah blandy blah blah.

 WHO DA HELL CARES, IT IS A FREAKING ANIMATION. Not that I am saying that feminists are wrong but I seriously think that they can really over-think on some things. Honestly, didn't those feminists once dreamt about their Prince Charming and having a fairy-tale ending?

Ahh, fairy-tale endings. Everyone wants them and yet, not want them at the same time. Doesn't it come to mind all the countless chick-lit books you read about 'never to dream about a fairy-tale ending because reality doesn't work that way.'

But what's wrong in expecting a fairy-tale ending? Everyone wants their life to be fulfilling, don't they? Why are people so against expecting a fairy-tale ending?

Wow, I have become so enlightened after watching these films O.O Haha, when you are 15-year-old watching these kinds of films meant for little kids really opens your eyes to things you never noticed before when you were a kid :D

Haish, September holidays are going to end soon and I don't think I will be able to watch the rest of the films until after EYAs :( Sheesh, I don't think I studied enough during the hols...

Goodnight kids ;)

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