Hello guys!
I just realised that I only did two posts in August. Really sorry for that. Every time I happen to think I am very free....BAM! An ass load of work appears. Maybe I should keep thinking that I am very busy, then I wouldn't have any work to do :D
Okay, I should have done a post yesterday for the month of September. Since it was the first yesterday. And, as usual, I was kind of busy... Not really. I just forgot to do it. So, I'll do a short recount of yesterday and today.
Yesterday, I was supposed to go for my Mother Tongue class. However, my mother was pissed off at me and told me to stay home...Which is contradictory because I hate Mother Tongue class and staying home was something I always wanted to do, lol. Don't ask why she's pissed at me, it's complicated.
Instead of doing going to Mother Tongue class to do mother tongue stuff, I did it at home. And my mother drilled me like it was nobody's business. I think she was really angry at me...Whatever, I studied. I studied from 9.30am all the way until 2pm (yes, I checked). Around that time, my sister came back from her Mother Tongue class and my younger sister came back from the childcare centre. I was finally released from studying to eat lunch.
After lunch, my mother went to sleep. And as all teenagers definitely do, I started using the computer. Who the hell studies when their parents are asleep?! I can't remember what I did, I mostly remember surfing for dramas to watch. In the end, I watched episode 5 of 'To The Beautiful You'. The Korean version of Hana Kimi. I have no idea why I watched it. I already watched the Japanese and the Taiwanese version and read the manga. I literally have the entire plot memorised.
At 5pm, I stopped watching the drama and I went to bathe. I was going to another school concert again that day! Another drama production~~ I swear, I love drama productions. As long as they were cheap, haha.
The production finished around 9.15pm and I got home at 10pm because my friend's father gave me a lift directly to my house. After I came home, I watched Tangled :D:D while eating supper. And it ended around midnight. Obviously, I was tired by then and went to sleep~
I did nothing much today. I just studied as usual. I have already planned out what I am going to study during the September Holidays and I don't really have much time to do anything besides that. My end of year exams will be coming in a month and I want to do really well for it. Hey, if I can get 3.09 without studying much, imagine what I will get if I study! Though I hope it's not too late...
The only interesting thing I did today was to watch Captain America! I borrowed the DVD from my school library and watched it just now. I think I may watch all the Marvel movies this week. Anyways, I have structured my study schedule so that I don't have to study at night because I hate studying at that time. Ahhh, Captain America was so cool! Especially since the setting was in WWII America. I should watch the rest of the movies. Especially Thor!
I don't really have anything planned for the month of September except to study. Especially for my Mother Tongue exam which is on the 15th. And I may be going out to celebrate my friend's birthday on the 16th :) Haish....Anyways, I plan to update everyday this week to make up for the lack off posts in August. And maybe, I'll update more frequently after that. CCA should be stopping soon to make way for EYAs...and I will definitely I have a bit more free time :)
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