
Friday, 7 September 2012

Childhood Revisited?

hello world!

Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute Loki is so cute

I can go on saying that for the entire day! Haha, just watched The Avengers :) I can't get over how cute Loki looked! Who cares if he's the bad guy, he's cute :3 Actually, it's more like Tom Hiddleston is cute, but Tom Hiddleston as Loki is cute :DD Zomg, especially when he smiles!!!! *Faints* Or is the term 'smirk' more apt? Whatever it is, it is a crime for a guy have smile/smirk like his ~ <3  Ahh, British actors...

(Loki's the one with black hair. The other one is Thor)

Here's one with him, smiling.

Here's a funny picture I found :D

I should change 'writing' to 'studying', print out that picture and hang it up in my room to serve as motivation for me to study XDD Ahh, I can sigh over him all day <3

I just found out that he was F. Scott Fitzgerald in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris O.O And I watched that before! Why haven't I noticed him before? I must have been completely blind.

Anywhoo, watching The Avengers suddenly brought to memory all the superhero cartoons I used to watch as a kid. That's why I titled the post as such. I was that kind of kid that used to watch anything on the telly because I was that addicted to the telly. And obviously, I would have watched a few superhero cartoons.

The ones I can distinctly remember is X-Men. It was practically the rage back then. Along with Fantastic Four. Both of them are Marvel lol. Oh yes, Spiderman too.

That's all the Marvel cartoons I remember watching. I didn't particularly like spiderman... I can't think of a reason why but maybe because I hated spiders? Speaking of Spiderman....Andrew Garfield should totally be on The Avengers 2! :3 It's kinda sad that they didn't include Spiderman in The Avengers.

Among all the superhero cartoons I watched, I think I watched Super-Man the most. I had no idea why. The reruns came on more often then the other cartoons. And when started watching American dramas, Smallville was the first drama I watched...which was basically about Superman... I liked Wonder-Woman the most :D She was practically the only female and I had no choice but to like her -.- And I liked the romance between her and Superman ;)

 Though I watched all these cartoons before, I never heard of Iron Man and Captain America until the movies came out because I never had enough interest to read the comics. That includes Hawkeye and Black Widow too. And I used to think X-Men was DC comics .____. I have a feeling that many hardcore comic readers are getting a chill down their spines now. DC and Marvel Comics practically have an entire universe(s) built from scratch in their comics.

Maybe I should go back to Barbie and Disney Princesses movies...

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