Hey kids!
brought the laptop to school today! Actually, I brought it a few times before
but this is the first time that I am blogging while in school. I am usually too
busy doing my work to do anything else. The school Wi-Fi isn’t that bad actually…
I have nothing better to talk about as I am still in school and waiting for my
CCA to start, I shall talk about the school day (I can’t think of anything
being the first day of school after the September Holidays, everyone was not
pleased to be in school. Everyone wanted to stay home and sleep a little more and
just forget about the end year exams that are coming in little over 3 weeks. But…we
still had to drag ourselves out of the bed anyway.
had to go to school extra early this morning because I needed to discuss my
presentation with a teacher. By extra early, I mean at 7am…which is the time
everyone normally comes. I usually arrive at 7.20am, right at the time when the
bell rings for Morning Assembly.
can’t remember how many times I spaced out in the first two hours of school.
Imagine how annoying it was when I found out that only 2 hours had gone by and I
had another 4 more hours until school ended -.- Ugh, I hate Mondays. They are
the bane of my existence.
my happiness when recess came! Haha, everyone lives for recess in schools. I
think that’s the main reason why many people come to school. If it’s like that,
then don’t come to school lah! I don’t usually go down to the canteen for
recess because my classroom is all the way up at the 4th level. By
the time I go down, half of recess would have finished. Furthermore, I had 2nd
recess today, which means there’s going to be extra-long queues for food. I can’t
be bothered, really.
god! It’s already 2.20pm! My CCA’s going to start in half an hour and I haven’t
even changed yet!! I need to hurry up and finish this post…
Actually, the blocks after recess were pretty okay. We had Physics after recess and everyone in my class loves Physics because we have a very good teacher teaching us who makes Physics super interesting! I truly woke up after that class :D
was followed by Social Studies and History. Both of these classes were quite
relaxed. We were done for the year for Social Studies, so our teacher was just
doing revision and whatnot. For History, we were learning Russian Revolution,
which is quite interesting, really. And our teacher let us watch a few videos.
Everyone loves videos J
was English after that. THE LAST BLOCK! HALLELUJAH!!! Our teacher gave us a
comprehension to do. The passage was very interesting today. It was on fashion!
These days, the teachers are giving us quite interesting comprehension passages
to do. The other day, we got one on the importance of Sexuality Education! Are
the teachers hinting at something…
that was it for today.
I need to go and change now~~ Haish, whatever am I going to do about revision L
I need to go and change now~~ Haish, whatever am I going to do about revision L
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