Hello people!
It's past midnight and I am still wide awake as hell. Might as well listen to Mika...and eat the dark chocolate that my dad bought today :)
I think this is probably going to be my last post before my EYAs start. I am starting intensive revision tomorrow and will most likely not have enough time to post regularly. And even when I feel like posting, it will mostly be very short posts. I can't afford to spend too long without compromising on my studying. I really want to do well for my EYAs this term.
Seriously, if I can get 3.09 with some studying, imagine my what my GPA will be if I study intensively! LOL, actually, my mum promised to give me loads of moolah if i can get 3.6 for every subject. I think I may be able to do that...Except for Math 2. Why the hell does it have to exist?! I see no use for it for my future at all. I guess if I want to be an economist or an accountant, there'll be use for it. BUT I AM NOT!! Grr...nothing can get me as angry as Math 2...Ugh, I hate school.
Ugh, that's how I feel sometimes about school. I would rather do ANYTHING than go to school. Then again, if I didn't go to school, I wouldn't have learned to read or write. And I wouldn't be typing this right now. Starting this blog is one of the best moments of my short 15 years :) And I LOVE to read. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read. I can't remember the countless times reading a book saved me from boredom on the days my dad took to the laptop to work.
As the world becomes more and more digital, reading a book is slowly going to become a rarity. Everything can be stored digitally now. What's the point of buying and reading actual books? Actually, I have done that before. When the book I want to borrow is not available, I'll just google it to find the e-book format, download it and read it. In one way, have everything digitised is useful in a way; it reduces the amount of paper used to produce books, and in time, less trees will be cut down!
But seriously, reading from the computer screen is just not the same as flipping a page in a book. Like everything else, digital media has its advantages and disadvantages (duh).
Actually, I am contemplating staying in school to revise. I cannot revise at home. When I come home, I fall asleep right away or start procrastinating on the computer and never get my work done at all. I should stay away from the computer at all costs. Maybe I should deactivate my Facebook and Twitter for this period of time...No, I should not. It's during this time that everybody start sharing their notes and I could really use those notes...
Especially for Science TT.TT I really have no idea what I should be studying for my Sciences. There seemed to be too many slides up on the school website. I don't really feel like printing them out because I'll only be using them for 2 weeks- 3 weeks at the most. But if I refer to them from the laptop, I'll most likely get distracted and stop studying altogether.
And I don't really feel like doing up a study schedule. I did that for my studies for the September Holidays and I was very optimistic that I will follow it this time, but after Wednesday, I just gave up on it completely. Why is it so hard for something to keep my attention span long enough to complete it?
My attention span is so short that I never had wrote a post before without checking my Facebook, Twitter, email etc. While I am typing, I suddenly get this urge to wander off for a little while before coming back to writing this post. So, using the the laptop for my revision is a no-go. Then I guess I have to get my dad to print out my notes for me...
There's still two more songs to go on my playlist, so I am going to continue typing....
Today, it was my friend's 15th birthday and I went to Bugis Street with her :D I never realised that Bugis Street had so many good and cheap clothes! It's as if I have just died and gone to heaven~<3 Sadly, I didn't bring enough money to go shopping. The main reason I went to Bugis Street with my friend because she wanted to buy suspender shorts and a friend of ours told us that Bugis Street had really nice ones.
The suspender shorts I bought for my friend actually looked like that. Except that the material was denim and it was blue. The cool thing about those suspenders was that the straps was detachable, so it doubles as shorts too! High-waisted shorts actually :) My friend was really happy with it because that was her first suspender shorts and high-waisted shorts doubled into one. Good. She should be happy. That thing cost me 25 bucks T.T Okay, I shouldn't be complaining. It was her birthday! She should get anything she wants.
After that, we cruised around Bugis Street. Seriously, there were so many shops selling such great clothes, accessories, bags etc that my heart broke that I couldn't buy anything. And they were so cheap too!! TT.TT I don't care, I am coming back after EYAs and will shop until I drop.
I never realised Bugis Street has so many shops! Bugis Street recently had a 3rd floor built. The 2nd floor was so huge and we literally explored every nook and cranny that I couldn't believe that my friend still had energy to go to the 3rd floor. Seriously, my back and feet was aching like crazy when I came back. Is this why shopaholics are so skinny? Maybe I should shop more, I'll grow skinner ;)
My playlist is replaying again but who cares. I still have alot to write about. I want to write as much as I can think of before I get down to revision...
By the way, noticed my new background? Very nice right? I made it myself *ego inflates* I actually took a picture I found on the Internet and edited to make it my own. The words are a little hard to see, but it says "Chaos is what the world is made of. Ripples are what they create." So cheem right ;D Here's the original and the edited picture
What do you think? My editing skills not that bad, right! I like the texture of the edited picture. Though I can't remember which effect I used...I was playing around with the effects and then, I got this. I did alot of things to the picture before choosing that effect, alright! I cropped it, increased the hue, sharpened the image, changed a little of the contrast etc. The girl just seems perfect with the text. This is seriously one of my proudest accomplishments! :')
Alright, it's past 1am now. I need to go to sleep...I still have school tomorrow.
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