
Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Hello world :)

I just watched Men In Black II on Mio TV just now and that brought back memories :) That movie was released in 2003, when I was 6 years old. I remember that movie showing on TV year after year and I watched bits of it every time. Anyways, the main reason I watched Men In Black II was because I wanted to see whether I should watch Men In Black III that is coming out later this month.

The movie was relatively okay...I remember it being funnier though. Or is it just because it is much harder to make me laugh now? It is so funny that they are making the 3rd movie ten years later. I haven't watched the trailer yet though. Should I go watch it? The thing is, a few friends and I are planning to go watch a movie and we can't decided between Men In Black III and Dark Shadows.

Now, who wouldn't want to watch a movie with Johnny Depp in it? I love Johnny Depp! I liked the character he played in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. I tell you, he was the LIFE of the movie(s). Initially, I thought that Dark Shadows is going to be some scary psychological thriller movie. But when I heard Johnny Depp was in it, I knew it couldn't be that. Johnny Depp always acted as the weirdest and the funniest character in any movie. Like Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, and of course, Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Can you see that all the movie posters has his face on it?! That's how popular he is <3 I didn't really know how well he acted in The Tourist. But it must have been good :) The movie had two of Hollywood's biggest stars: Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. How can it not be good? 

Actually, I also want to watch The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man. Ahhhh. so many good movies coming out and only so much time to watch :'( Annnddd, there's also Snow-White and The Huntsman. I never really watched a movie with Kirsten Stewart in it before and I don't really like the Twilight series, so I want to watch that movie. That movie has Chris Hemsworth in it too! Which made me want to watch it even more <3

I heard that it is supposedly the summer season in America now. That's why all these blockbuster movies are coming out...but they are coming out too fast!!! I want to watch so many of them and I only have so much time and money! NOT FORGETTING MONEYY. But I think that The Avengers is a must-watch for me. I have no idea why, but yeah...Hey, it's Marvel comics, you know. Even someone like me has heard of it.

But I'll definitely watch a movie on my birthday :) I don't care. I will! I'll ask my mother to give me money to watch a movie as a birthday present rather than cooking food for me like she does every year. The good thing is that The Amazing Spider-Man is coming out in July. I can use my allowance for July to watch the movie <3 

The June Holidays are coming soon...time to think of stuff to do! I don't want to spend my holidays studying and revising like I did for the last 2 years :/ Not that I am not going to study and revise. I just want to spend more time outdoors than indoors :) It'll be good for my health ;D And it will also be good to spend some time away from the computer -.-

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