
Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Hello world!

ICAN'TWAITFORLATER!! Seriously, it'll be my first time going to Europe and I am quite excited for it! The only other time I've been out of Asia was when my family went to America to visit a family friend back when I was three years old. I barely remember anything besides the beach -.-

I have completed most of my shopping already. All I have to do is pack in everything. Haish...judging by how much more things I need to bring, I think I might need a bigger luggage...

It's already past midnight, so I might need to make this post short. I will post up some pictures of the stuff I bought later during the day. Sorry, I was tired today after the Milo Cup game. It was earlier in the afternoon at 1.45pm. It was at SBC, which was all the way over at Geylang -.- And our coach wanted to meet us one hour earlier before the game, so I had to leave the house quite early because I live in the west and Geylang is east-ish.

I thought we played well today. Except in the last 2 quarters when we kind of screwed up. Not that bad actually but we had alot of intercepts that we could have prevented :( When I played today, I realised I didn't feel as tired as I did whenever I played matches. Is that a good thing? I mean, it may be because my stamina improved or just because I wasn't pushing myself enough for today's game. I really think I could have played better...and I am flying off later today, so I won't be able to play anymore games as the rest of the Milo Cup games are during the period when I'll be gone.

Ugh, I hope I packed enough clothes :( Maybe I packed a little too much...and I am also afraid that I might be kind of warm there because it is supposedly summer now in Europe. But I bet their summers are kind of cold too -.- And our teachers told us to bring warm clothes.

RAWR I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT!!! TIME....Y U NO HURRY UP! Haish, tomorrow, I am just going to spend the entire day waiting for the time when I can finally go to the airport, get on the plane and set off for Europe!! Okay, I think I need to go to sleep now...

Goodnight and see you later :)

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