I didn't take that many pictures today, because I had school but I still managed to take some pictures! LOL. Few of them are pictures of food ^.^ Mostly because I like to eat food :D
This morning, I asked my mum to give me two boiled eggs and a cup of milo for breakfast. As I always feel hungry whenever I go to school because my mum will only make a cup of any random hot drink and just leave some biscuits on the table for me to take. I read somewhere that it is good to eat eggs for breakfast, so I decided to try. And It really worked! I didn't go hungry before recess! So happy~~ Why am I happy over this?
Anyhoo~~moving on, today I also got back my Chem paper...and I failed it. Seriously, I couldn't believe I actually failed it -.- All that memorising went to waste. LOL, actually, I did pretty okay for most of the questions. Except one...and it was worth like at least... 8 marks...and I only got 1 mark. If I had scored better for that question, then I wouldn't have failed. It seems that I still have yet to refine the art of regurgitating...like a sir (sorry, couldn't resist that one XD)
I realised that many of my subjects require memorising and hence, we regurgitate all of it during the exam. The question I did badly in was on atomic structure and bonding. I don't know what rubbish I was thinking that day to not spot an easy regurgitating question... Okay enough about regurgitating...i feel like a cow.
Moving on...today, my CCA finally resumed~~ We had a two-week break after our competitions ended. And naturally, I wasn't looking forward to it -.- It meant RUNNING around again and I hate running. Nobody likes to run. Except, maybe the trackers. But they're a different species of people. We trained with the juniors today. Oh god, they do so much running...I don't remember running this much for training this year...that's probably because we had been doing strategy drills since January which really doesn't require much running. In fact, we barely use half the court.
The juniors seriously have amazing stamina...I could barely keep up! Actually, most of the drills they did I remembered doing them last year when I was in 'C' div. And we did even more than them -.- While they're doing one round. We did freaking 3 rounds! Well, I guess one round is enough...
Yesterday was one of my junior's birthday. So, to celebrate, my juniors bought a cake for her to eat after training! It was damn nice! And mango flavour too.
The cake looks nice right? It was seriously very yummy!! I am hyperventilating...after everyone ate the cake and cleared up the place, I went home~~ On the school bus-stop, I met my classmate from sec1-2. We used to take the same bus back together after school and we're fairly close. She's in the campaign team for one of the prefects in my school whose running for head-prefect. That prefect happened to also be in my sec1-2 class AND was my deskie last year <3 Since, I've already made up my mind to vote for her, my friend gave me a sticker made by the campaign team. LOL, like SG Elections campaign materials ^.^
My family wasn't home when I came back. They went to collect my younger sister's mother tongue mid-year results. So, I had the house to myself for nearly 3 hours! Of course, coming back after CCA, I first ate dinner. My mum cooked tandoori chicken today! And I love my mum's tandoori chicken. My mum also knows that I trying to eat more vegetables; she cooked some long beans for me! And I added a little gravy from the fish-head soup to my rice so that it wouldn't be so dry.
Okay, it doesn't really look that appetizing because I dumped everything together. My mum is so much better at this than me...haish...excuse me while I emo for a while...While eating this, I watched some Phineas and Ferb on Youtube! Yes, although I'll be 15 in a little over a month, Phineas and Ferb is still my most favourite show, along with Spongebob!
After that, I had a little snack~~ because I feel especially hungry on the days after CCA. My parents went grocery shopping yesterday and brought alot of fruits. My snack was the reminder 4 strawberries and a cup of mango juice. So healthy right? :D
Ignore that hand. My youngest sister was trying to steal the strawberries -.- Okay, so that's about it for today...so boring right? Haish, I have given up on the commonwealth essay as I am so busy already. Maybe I can write it tomorrow...because technically, Wales is nearly one day behind Singapore...so, I have more time to write! Maybe I'll bother about it tomorrow...anyways, it's Labour Day tomorrow too! No school!!! WHOOPPEE :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
gdnite, it's nearly midnight :)
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