
Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Hey dudes!
Today was another day where I fell asleep in class. Again. Oh god…why do I keep sleeping late even though I know that I will fall asleep in class the next day? Ugh, what’s wrong with me sleeping early? Speaking of which, I have yet to watch the DVD I borrowed from the school library! And I borrowed it on Monday! Seriously, instead of doing rubbish stuff on the Internet, I could have been enjoying a nice movie! I borrowed Journey to the center of the earth <3 the main reason being was that Josh Hutcherson was acting in it…along with Brendan Fraser! Haha, I realised Josh Hutcherson acted in a few of my favourite movies and I didn’t know until I watched him in the Hunger Games this year! He’s so cute! And those muscles! He must seriously work out a lot!

Okay, on to my boring life. So, blah blah blah. Then it was time for Research Studies! Today the Year 4s were presenting their project, so the Year 3s (us) and the Year 2s had to be their audience along with some teacher-evaluator. Obviously, one of the teacher-evaluators is our current project mentor. The first group was from Book Cluster. They presented a book on women redefining men targeted at the 5-6 year-old age group. They even presented their book to the teachers and I managed to get a glimpse of it because I was seated right behind the teachers. The book was big and colourful! And the pictures were so cute! All the pictures in the book were all drawn by one of the group members.

The next group was doing a Philosophy project. Boy, was there project that cheem! They were doing modernity and it roots, specifically on the economic and political aspects. Something about human greed being the driving force behind all the financial crises and human’s innate nature to constantly acquire things. It was all really cheem stuff which I didn’t really understand. So, I shall not try to explain it. I think the teachers also understood just as much as us. LOL. Anyways, after that I had to leave because I signed up for a script-writing workshop.

Basically, the workshop taught us the basic ideas needed to write a play. Like characters (obviously) and a conflict (duh). The instructor said something really interesting too. He said all plays were based on lies and half-truths. Which was quite interesting. Because now that I think about all the plays I watched and read so far, that does kind of seem true. He also said that if a play was all about the truth, it will end in the first few minutes. Interesting, don’t you think? Now I think I know what to write my play about!

Okay, I shall not bore you any further. My sister’s tuition teacher just left, so I shall go watch the DVD I borrowed from school! <3 Wait for me, Josh Hutcherson!


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