
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Street Sales

Hello guys :)

Sorry I hadn't posted in two days. One reason was because I was really tired and another is because my dad took the computer -.- so now I am writing this post on my mum's iPhone. Which means: no pictures D:

Anyways, I have been going for street sales these past two days. Both of them for the YFC (Youth For Causes) groups in my school. Every year, they hold street sales to raise funds for their causes and students from my school will always sign up. Mostly for the CIP hours that we'll get lol.

I signed up last year too but I didn't go for any of it because I didn't want to do it alone. I know, I am pathetic -.- This year, I signed up with my friends, so I was more willing to go :)

I signed up for all the afternoon sessions because I know I'll wake up very late, haha :D Anyways, the street sales have been quite the experience for me...

I chose to do the street sales at Orchard Road, where I knew there will be alot more people to ask for donations. However, getting the guts to ask the people if they wanted to donate/buy the merchandise were another thing entirely.

For the most part, many of the people we approached were nice enough to either donate or buy the merchandise. And if they didn't want to donate, they told us nicely enough. But there were also quite a few very rude ones.

I hate it when people just walk away like we weren't there at all. They are just the lowest of the low. At least give us a hand signal that you don't want to donate at all. Ignoring us when we approached you so nicely is just plain. rude. I hate people like those.

It is not as if I am forcing you to donate. If you don't want to donate, then fine. It's none of my business why you don't wanna donate. But we at least have a right to be acknowledged.

Seriously, there were some people who just ignored us when we were standing right in front of them asking them very nicely if they wanted to support our cause. WE WERE FREAKING STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM. And they walked away like we weren't there.

I hate these kinds of people. At least I have the courtesy to shake my head when people ask me if I wanted to donate ( I try to donate every time but most of the time, I am out of money). These people don't even have that basic courtesy.

Would you like it if someone ignored you when you ask them so nicely? It is freaking annoying. You don't know how annoyed and frustrated I felt when some of these people did that.

But never mind, they weren't the majority of the people we asked. Just some of them. Especially the businessmen *ahem*.

I like to say that my friend had quite alot of guts to go up to all those people to ask them for donations. I only asked a few people. I was the one holding the merchandise most of the time, while my friends did all the talking. LOL.

It's been quite the experience for me. Because this is the first ever time that I ever did street sales. I am going for another one next Tuesday. I hope I encounter less rude people on that day. Seriously, they kind of spoiled my mood for the last two days... But never mind.

Sigh.... Training, I haven't started my holiday homework yet T.T my life sucks TTOTT

Okay, to end of this post, a quote that perfectly describes what I am doing with my life now -.- and it mentions The Hunger Games :D zomg, it's still like more than a year until Catching Fire -.-

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