
Friday, 15 June 2012

15 :)

Hello world!

As you can tell by the title, I just turned 15! I can't believe I am actually 15... It's still so hard to imagine. I mean, it only seemed like a short time ago that I was celebrating my 12th birthday. Ahh... The memories :)

Soo, wanna know what I did today? I watched TV LOL. I didn't invite my friends to celebrate my birthday with me this year because I forgot -.- I was in a mess after coming back from the trip. Because I had to sort out all my holiday homework and stuff.

Actually, I wanted to go out today. I always stay cooped up at home during the holidays. The only time I ever go out is for the holiday trainings -.- Anyways, I already went out twice for street sales!

Moving on, the main reason why I couldn't go out today was because I twisted my ankle yesterday :( Can you freaking believe it?! Twisting my ankle the day before my birthday. That was also the reason why I spent the entire day watching TV.

I twisted my ankle during training yesterday. We were doing the usual drills and I think I landed wrongly after I did a lay-up. There was this crack sound and my ankle starting hurting like HELL. Honestly, I felt like crying at that moment, but I didn't. My face just contorted into the weirdest expression ever.

My coach helped me tape and bandage my ankle. And the juniors brought ice for me to ice the swollen area. Since, it hasn't healed yet, I am walking around with a limp -.-

I injured the same ankle twice before. And both times, it healed in about 3 days. I think, this time round, it'll take longer to heal...

Okay, enough about my ankle, it's my birthday! I am sorry I can't post up any pictures because I am using my mum's iPhone to blog and Blogger mobile doesn't put in pictures the way I want it to. Maybe I can put in a picture at the very end.

Anyways, my birthday turned out fair enough. My mum cooked her awesome pasta for me! And her chicken curry! And I am happy enough with that :) I think that was the only thing I missed when I was in Europe: my mum's cooking. And my awesome bed.

I was also reading all the rubbish that my friends posted in my Facebook Wall for my birthday :) haha, I have such cute friends XD Even some of the friends I made on the trip wished me happy birthday! See, that's how popular I am ;)

The only downside to my birthday was that it was freaking hot again. Like yesterday... I turned on all the fans in the house and yet, I wasn't cool enough. It was seriously hot. I spent most of the day in the living room. But, when my sister's tutor came, I went to my room to watch YouTube videos on my mum's phone. And I had to close the door because my room was in total chaos which I was too lazy to clean up. Without the air coming in from outside, my room was very stuffy. And needless to say, I was feeling very stuffed -.-

Ahh, but it is so much cooler at night now :) I am seriously enjoying the cool night breeze coming in.

I am still trying to convince my dad to install an air-con in the house. We don't really need air-con because we live on the 20th floor and it is quite cool up here especially when the strong monsoon wind blows.

However, it can get freaking hot during the drier months. I think it'll be enough if my dad installed an air-con in the dining room. It can get really cold in the early morning, so we don't need air-con in every single room.

So, that's about it for today. Honestly, my birthday wasn't that bad except for the hot weather. Maybe I should spend all my future birthdays like this too! Wait....this is how I spend everyday. It was just that today was extra special because it was birthday.

Already, I can't wait for my 16th birthday :)

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