
Thursday, 14 June 2012


Hello world :)

It's hot. It's freaking hot. It's too hot already. I can't think of anything else to say today because IT IS SO EFFING HOT.

seriously, why does it have to be so hott. For the past few months, it's been raining like it was nobody's business and now, it is so hotttttt. Actually, there was also a time when it would very very heavily in the morning, and then the sun come out shining like it didn't rain at all!! I hated that kind of weather. It'll be freaking humid because the air is wet and hot which is a very horrible combination. Especially when I have TRAINING.

So here I am, trying to fan myself while drinking Milo and eating cookies. And it isn't cold Milo T.T as we have run out of ice. Whatever, I'll go look through the fridge later.

And I can't believe I am wearing long pants in this hot weather!! This is what happens to you when your mother is far to conservative -.- I am practically dying of heat here and she still wants me to 'cover up'.

I have freaking jersey shorts for goodness sake! And they are not that short too! Why can't I wear that, huh? I understand if she wants me to wear long pants when I am going out, but at home?! Nobody's gonna see me, man!

I don't care. I don't want to die a day before my birthday. I think I'll go change into my jersey shorts now...

Haha, but I think my not taking a bath also contributes to me feeling very hot. Especially since I've just gotten back from training... So, I shouldn't place the entire blame on my mother...Maybe I should take a bath first.

And then do my homework. I tell you, my pile of homework can qualify as a mountain -.- I should really learn how to manage my time better...

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