
Wednesday, 17 October 2012



Why is that in caps? I must be feeling really high and it is 2am. Haish...actually, I am writing this post as I wait for my movie to finish converting. It's going to take a long time...I am converting 3 movies at once! And It hasn't progressed much at all. Only 29% of the first movie has been converted T.T At this rate, I'll have to watch the movie later today...

Anyways, what I wanted to post about is my blog. This isn't my first blog. I have blogged alot before. I remember when my primary school was using a webserver (can't remember which) and there was a blog function. Since it was only open to those of my level and my teachers, I was really outgoing and noisy on blog, just like how I was in real life. And my blog was quite popular too ;) Sadly, that was only until I graduated from my primary school.

I have tried blogging a few times after that but to no avail. I will always either abandon the blog or delete it. I guess I didn't have as much willpower as Xiaxue whose been blogging for 10 years now! This blog is my best success story so far. I have been blogging continuously for about 6 months now! That's half a year :} My first post was on the 23rd...Maybe I'll do something on the 23rd this month to celebrate!

I am contemplating this because while waiting for my movies to finish converting, I was reading some of Xiaxue and QiuQiu's blog posts. It struck me how famous they were just from blogging about their everyday lives. They were kind of like mini-celebrities in their own right. I mean really. Reporters and tabloids alike want to know a celebrities daily happenings and scandals ( Keeping Up With The Kardashians, anyone?). And here were people who happily wrote about their everyday life for all to read.

They have amassed such a huge readership that all their fans eagerly wait for their next post. When they post after a long time, everyone jumps to read it right away. While small blogs like mine just fade away and collect cyber dust. Not that I am complaining. I didn't start this blog just so people will notice me. Heck, I didn't even tell any of my friends that I have a blog.

It is just something I always think about when I read the blogs of people who have a huge readership. I think it may be because I hardly put labels on my posts lol. I am a very private person in general, especially online. The internet world has become a very scary and brutal place where anyone and everyone can attack you anonymously. You won't find me sharing pictures of me on my blog. And when I blog about the places I go to, it is usually after I've been to that place or I am very very vague about the location. You may laugh, but I am afraid people may stalk is a justifiable fear, alright? It happened to other people!

I don't know if I really want to increase readership of my blog or just make my blog more interesting for me. Even I can find my blog a little boring sometimes. Maybe I'll have a page about taking random snapshots of things...That actually sounds pretty cool! I remembered when I once wanted to do a blog that did reviews on stuff like books, movies, dramas etc. And I even made a detailed plan in my notebook! Like all other blogs, I abandoned it...and it was partly because I didn't have the time. Maybe I'll do that when I am older and have finished school :D

Right now, I am just watching movies and dramas and blogging about it, which is actually like reviewing...But it will get boring after a while, won't it? I have a feeling that this is going to be a really lengthy post. To whoever who reads this blog, you may go need to continue.

Oh? You are still reading? MWAHAHAHA! My bait worked!! Anyways, continuing on, reading their blogs ( Xiaxue and QiuQiu's) really got me thinking about the future. I mean, I am 15 and in a few years, I'll be going to university and then taking my first job...what would I want my life to be like?

I definitely do not want an office job. That will just be like going to school all over again. You wake up too early, go to work grumbling about the work you are going to do, start doing your work in a tiny cubicle, look forward to going for lunch and gossiping with your friends, go back to work and look forward to getting home and finally sleeping. How is it any different from going to school?

The only difference is that school-life can be enjoyable lol. Because you are alot more carefree and don't need to worry about bills etc.

I want to wake up at whatever time I want to wake up, and not be plagued to go work in an office cubicle because that just sickens me. I love writing. So, I considered being a journalist or something (still considering). A journalist that travels alot...But I also want to have kids and having a traveling mom might not be good for them :D Look, I am such a considerate mom! I am considering for the kids I am going to have in the future.

Oh, for that line of thought, I am hoping to have 3 kids by the time I hit 35....whom they all share a wonderful father. Yes, I still have that kind of fantasy and I always will. People who think they are so 'wise' as  to be cynical about love and all that really make me laugh. But that's for another blog post =D

I can't believe that it is nearly 4am! More like 3.45 am to be exact. Where did all the time go? Seriously, how long is this post? Or have I been too distracted doing so many other things inlcuding typing up this post?

Oh god, we have digressed far too much from the main path. Let's get back to it...

As I was saying, I want to live my life quite happily. Like the way Xiaxue and QiuQiu are living their lives. Happy with the job they are doing and happy with their lives (at least that's the image they seem to portray). And it is pretty cool that they earn bucketloads of money from advertising brands on their blogs and going for events and getting freebies. I want leh!

My movies haven't finished converting but I think I need to go sleep now since I have school on Thursday and I don't want to start the habit of sleeping really late and waking up really late ( I woke up at 2pm today). But I think I'll be contemplating ways to improve my somewhat lagging blog and my seemingly stagnant life. Hoho, there may be a part 2 to this. You'll get more life rubbish junk from me.

Okays, going to sleep now lol.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

The Guilty Pleasure of Mine

Hey Kids!

I am having a freaking blast because I get to watch whatever I want to watch now. And my mother can't do anything because my exams are over!!! The only downside is that my sister's exams are over too and everyday, we're fighting over who gets to use the laptop and when. But she's at her friend's house today, so i have the computer to myself! YEAH BABY YEAH!

Actually, I have been alternating between watching music videos and America's Next Top Model. Yes, I know. America's Next Top Model! I had always liked watching that show. I don't know why. I think all girls, when they were young, always wanted to become a model. You can see it when they play with their barbie dolls and when they pose with their mother's clothes, lol.

I remember one season airing on Channel 5 (the local TV channel of Singapore) and I really really liked one of the contestants, Allison Harvard! She has the biggest biggest eyes I had ever seen. She was on cycle 12 and I watched a few of the episodes. And completely forgot about ANTM until I saw the advertisement for cycle 19, which is currently airing right now.

So I decided to finish watching the entire of cycle 12. And I have to say, I think Allison Harvard should have won the competition. The winner was Teyona Anderson and she was just as good. But my bias is Allison Harvard :D

That is one of my most favourite photoshoot of Allison's in ANTM. She looked like a baby bird that just hatched out.

I also watched the very first cycle of ANTM because I wanted to see how the cycle 1 was like. And boyy, was it different. ANTM started in 2003. Just by watching the cycle 1 and cycle 12, you can really see the vast difference between the 2 cycles and how much ANTM has grown. In cycle 1 there were only 10 contestants and they were squeezed into a hotel room. I watched cycle 12, the models get a huge apartment to themselves.

Even the fashion was different in both cycles. In 2003, it was all about belly tops/crop tops paired with jeans. In cycle 12, the only time I see the contestants wearing belly tops is when they were in the apartment. Maybe it's just because I have never been to America before, maybe the girls wear belly tops all the time.

But, the only thing consistent were the contestants. There will always be girls bitching about the others. And girls whose personalities annoying the eff out of you no matter what they do. And the catfights. Oh yes, the catfights. I bet they are the serious highlight of the ANTM.

The one other model I like besides Allison Harvard is Elyse Sewell from cycle 1. She came in third. When you watch her in cycle 1, she comes across a bit aloof and condescending at times because she is a medical student and more knowledgeable than the other girls. At one point, she even wanted to quit! But she didn't :D Her straightforwardness can be very entertaining sometimes.

This is one of her photoshoots from ANTM. When you watch the show, she seemed to be less serious than all the girls about the competition, but she can look so effortlessly high-fashion on her photoshoots and her catwalk is very good. Miss Jay Alexander loved her walk from the first time he saw it. I think it was said that she was one of the most successful models from ANTM. Here are a few of her photoshoots after ANTM.

I can see why she is so successful. She is so versatile and so good. I think if she had been less condescending, she could have won the cycle. But Adrianna Curry (the winner of cycle 1) was just as good.

I feel like watching more cycles of ANTM. I have already watched cycle 18. The British invasion one. And I really liked Sophie Sumner, the winner of the cycle. She was so cute and bubbly ;D

Yup, so that's it. Going back to watching more music videos :D

Thursday, 11 October 2012

The Taste of Freedom~


Hey guys!

As you can see, my exams are finally over!!! The year's curriculum is finally over. I don't have to study for at least another 3 months! Ahh, 3 months of pure bliss and chillin' out...

I am definitely going to take some time out and freaking enjoy myself (although, I have been only exerting myself for barely 3 weeks). The exams were not that bad actually. Maybe, it was because i studied a bit harder this year. But I am quite disappointed for Math. For once, the Math Dept. in my school were sympathetic and made both Math 1 and Math 2 papers simple. If only I revised more! I could have breezed through the questions.

Especially for Math 2. The paper was actually doable compared to previous times. And I couldn't two of the questions because I did not revise enough T.T And they are practicall worth half the marks! I feel so disappointed that I couldn't do better for Math when the teachers had actually made the paper doable for once. I don't think it will happen again next year...

Other than that, all my other papers were okay. Okay, maybe except for History....I think I screwed up the SBQ and a bit of the SEQ...Never mind, the paper had already been submitted. Let's forget about the papers and think about chillaxing :D

Today, I watched two really great movies. I watched Ice Age 4: Continental Drift and Aeon Flux. Two very different movies. One is animation and the other, Sci-Fi. Aeon Flux is the first movie I've seen Charlize Theron in. And she is so so so pretty. I want to have her body ;__;

Continental Drift was as funny as ever! Ice Age had always been funny to me. Especially the subplot about the squirrel/rodent hunting for the nut. It's always the one starting off the story :D I think it somehow establishes the storyline, which is quite cool. I don't know how the producers do it. Making a character that is not involved in any way with the main characters and yet, it is still involved.

I have don nothing much besides that. I watched a few music videos especially, G-Dragon's Crayon. It's so funny and cute! I don't know how many times I've watched it. It's just that enjoyable! I listened to all his songs in his new album too. As expected from G-Dragon: nothing but the best.

I also listened to Mika's newest album, Origin of Love. Ohhh....the songs were so good! I have yet to find a Mika song that I hate. I have never hated any of Mika's songs; just liked some more than others. His new album was no different. I liked all of his songs, especially Origin of Love. The catchy beat and the lyrics had me humming to them all day.

That's it then. My day thus far after my exam ended at 9am. I know, so early, right?! Might as well not go to school. I don't know how to spend the rest of the day...actually, it's already past 6pm...what else to do at night except to sleep? I don't have any school tomorrow. I don't have any school until next Thursday actually. So shiok right! So I don't want to spend the next 5 days lounging around at home. I NEED TO GET THE F*** OUT!

Now that I think about CCA is resuming next week! I can't freaking believe it! Why must they start so fast! Can't they let us enjoy our holiday in peace? Is it too much to ask for? Why can't they start next week ;__; I don't want to spend the holiday going back to school! Can't they just give us a week more? We just finished our papers!

Haish. Feeling kind of tired right now. I may take a little nap now lol :)

Thursday, 4 October 2012


The exams have officially started





anyways, the schedule

4th oct: social studies and physics
5th oct: math 1
8th oct: eng compre
9th oct: chem
10th oct: bio and history
11th oct: math 2

I need to go revise noww
