
Thursday, 4 June 2015



I am feeling very happy today because I was so very productive! Srsly, if I can study like I did today, prelims and A levels are going to be a breeze! (touchwood). Actually, I think it has got to do with the environment I was studying in. Today, I had decided to go to sch to study! 

Anyway, I reached sch at around 8.20am and I wanted to go study at the sch library. But the library was still closed -.- So I decided to go down to the canteen to study. I thought I was quite early but there were already a few people studying in the canteen. I was supposed to study with my friend, who came around 10am. 

After lunch we decided to move to a windier area because the canteen was getting too warm. OMG, the place was so windy that at one point, all my notes just flew off the table!!! It was actually really funny lolz. 

Also, our school was having MUN today and there was catering for the delegates. My friend and I managed to get some leftover food after the delegates were done with it! We were such scavengers lol. But the food was really good!!!

I think I was really productive today because my sch is really a very conducive place to study. And also, I had company who was studying with me! It helped that my friend was also very studious because that gave me more pressure to be studious :) I'd managed to finish what I had set out to finish today! 

I'm meeting my friend again tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be as productive as today!  

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

creatures of habit

Hello all!

Can't believe I have already broken my promise of updating everyday for the entire month of June. To make up for it, I shall post twice today! Alright, time to update on my progress in turning into a mugger.

So far, it has been a tiny success.

I got of on a rocky start. I woke up at 8.30am yesterdau when I was supposed to have woken up at 7am to go for a morning walk. Anyway, I started studying at 9.30am and it was actually kind of productive. I managed to finally annotate my econs and history notes! And I also did some math and realised I have already forgotten all my formulae -.- So, at 1pm, when I had lunch, I decided to go to the library. I was meeting my friend to go watch a movie at 4pm and since the cinema was near the library, I decided to head to the library first so it won't be such a hassle to go to cinema later.

Never go to the library at 2pm, because all the tables would've been taken up and you would've no table to do your work :( That's what happened to me, haish. I had to sit on the many armchairs provided and do my work on my lap. I had actually planned to do ELL and math in the library but I after finishing ell, I'd realised that I didn't really feel like doing math and decided to go borrow a book instead haha.

Later, I went to watch the movie with my friend. It was Pitch-perfect 2! I thought the movie was ok. I didn't totally love it like I did with Pitch-Perfect. I had planned to study more after coming back from watching the movie but I gave up and just messed around at home. In all, only the morning was productive.

Today was even worse. I did absolutely nothing at all. Zip. Nada. Zilch. I woke up late again at 9.30am and I was planning to starting studying at 10.30am. So, while eating breakfast, I started reading the book I borrowed from the library yesterday and I was so engrossed that I didn't stop reading even when it was 10.30am TT.TT (clearly, I have self-control issues). After I finished reading the book, I really didn't feel like studying so I messed around with my phone and my computer haishhhhhh. And now, I am writing this.

As you can see, getting into the habit of studying is a serious work in progress and I really need to work on getting up on time. I am someone who needs clearly structured plans so that I can get down and be productive. So, I really need to plan out the rest of my days and stick to it like superglue.

Monday, 1 June 2015

update lolz


It's been a long time since I've updated this blog and that's because I've been procrastinating and being a little shit in general haha. I've decided to update the blog everyday of this month because I am more free as of now (even though I am supposed to be studying oops).

Anyway, now that I am a J2, I think it's time for me to up my game and take responsibility over my life. I can no longer ignore my studies like I have been doing for the past 5 months (I've been very busy with basketball and season). Now I really need to focus on my studying. Actually, I think it's kind of hard to buckle down and study because the last time I've taken a national exam was when I was in P6 HAHA. I kind of forgot the kind of pressure that comes with sitting for a national exam.

I already have a vague idea of all the topics and content that I need to study and I even went out to buy a huge magnetic planner today (that's how serious I am). So, right now, I need to actually write down what I want to study for the next 4 weeks so that I will procrastinate!!

Another problem is that so many awesome movies are coming the next months and I really want to watch all of them!!! But A levels take priority TT.TT I am really hoping that I can get all As for A levels. I didn't do that well for PW or for my MT, so I need to buck up for the rest of my subjects haish.

I also have a reading list that I also want to finish by this week but I don't know if its possible. I think I only finished reading 3 books out of the 50 books there are on my reading list TT.TT

I'd just have to believe that everything is going to be alright and that I can accomplish all that I want to accomplish.