I am feeling very happy today because I was so very productive! Srsly, if I can study like I did today, prelims and A levels are going to be a breeze! (touchwood). Actually, I think it has got to do with the environment I was studying in. Today, I had decided to go to sch to study!
Anyway, I reached sch at around 8.20am and I wanted to go study at the sch library. But the library was still closed -.- So I decided to go down to the canteen to study. I thought I was quite early but there were already a few people studying in the canteen. I was supposed to study with my friend, who came around 10am.
After lunch we decided to move to a windier area because the canteen was getting too warm. OMG, the place was so windy that at one point, all my notes just flew off the table!!! It was actually really funny lolz.
Also, our school was having MUN today and there was catering for the delegates. My friend and I managed to get some leftover food after the delegates were done with it! We were such scavengers lol. But the food was really good!!!
I think I was really productive today because my sch is really a very conducive place to study. And also, I had company who was studying with me! It helped that my friend was also very studious because that gave me more pressure to be studious :) I'd managed to finish what I had set out to finish today!
I'm meeting my friend again tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be as productive as today!